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Website Improvement

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Alas, we are often faced with the situation when a website has not been fully developed but has been published on the Internet in a “raw”, unfinished form. As a rule, website owners think that remaking a website is the only solution but in practice it’s often enough to just modify it or put the finishing touches on it. Modifying a website is advisable if the website’s structure and content are high quality and the website is generally in line with what the owner wants and its shortcomings are limited to individual mistakes in the design and program code or individual sections of the website are not functioning or functioning inadequately. For example, it’s not necessary to remake a website in order to add a photo gallery or news section to it. You also don’t have to remake a website to update the website’s design or adapt the design for viewing on mobile devices.

We improve websites

Website improvement

As a rule, adapting a website is cheaper and takes less time than remaking a website from scratch. Modifications may be related to the website’s security system not being reliable enough or if the website is not performing at a high speed; such modifications will not affect the website’s appearance in any way. Modifications may also be required if the content published on the website is low quality, the content structure is incorrect, or the content is not presented in a professional manner, leading to the website’s low ranking in search engines. In this case, when a website is being modified, texts are analyzed and rewritten, inadequate illustrations are improved or new ones are added, and the text is not only illustrated by photos or drawings, but also by video materials, which make it more informative and potentially more interesting and meaningful in the search engines’ “eyes”. Valid HTML markup also plays a no less important role. Websites with an unprofessional content layout turn clients away; only visitors who are extremely interested in the information will bother reading these websites. Over the course of time, almost all websites need to be modified or remade. Just like peoples’ world-view changes over time, a design gets old and new programming technologies, new ways of presenting information, and new Web services appear. As a rule, websites with an outdated look become inconvenient for visitors, their rating in search engines falls, and they receive less Web traffic. Website owners should look over the results of a website audit before deciding if it would be best to modify or remake their website.

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